Chapter 3
Reading Intensively for Comprehension Responding to Specific Questions
on a Text Read
Reading information from different sources involves two types of reading
which are extensive and intensive reading.
Intensive reading Involves reading tasks, passages and information carefully with the aim
of gaining knowledge from the
information in the text.
Read the introduction: Many introductions contain valuable insights into
the author‟s life and his writing, both of which can enrich your understanding
and appreciation of the work. It will often provide background knowledge on the
Read carefully:This is no time for speed reading or skimming! A careful reading may
seem slower, but you will ultimately
save more time than if you have to reread everything. Begin reading the novel
or short story as soon as it is assigned and read slowly and with attention to
When you are reading a novel or
short story, the main areas of focus should beform and content.
Formrefers to the writing style and techniques used and how the elements of
design are implemented. Content refers to what is the literary
work talking about
Parts of Forms
Plot =
Reflection of motivation and causation.
No plot = The
king died and then the queen died.
Plot = The king
died, and then the queen died of grief.
= Is a fictional person who drives a story or who the story is about.
The writer's task is to communicate on common ground with the reader.
Although the particulars of your experience may be different from the details
of the story, the general underlying truths behind the story may be just the
connection that both you and the writer are seeking.
Identifying Main Features of
Different Genres
Identifying main Features of
Different Genres
Identify main features of different genres
Genres of literature include:
A Novelis a factious prose narrative of
book length, typically representing characters and actions with some degree of realism.
A Play is a work
of art which involves performance in a stage, and
Poetry: Is made up offigurative language,
songs, symbolic language with emphasis on
imagination, emotions, and heartfelt ideas written in stanza and verses. A
stanza is a single line in a poem.