• Breaking News


    Chapter 16: 
    Filling in Forms
    Activity 1
    Imagine you are filling in this registration card for your friend. What questions would you ask him or her to fill it in?
    Activity 2
    Complete this visitor’s card.
    Name of visitor:
    Arrival date:
    Flight no………………………………
    Flight arrival time……………………

    Writing Things/Notes in a Diary
    Diaries or journals are books where you write what has happen each day, year, month, week, etc. It is written to help the writer to remember important events and thoughts. In their diaries, writers comment on what they have seen recently or previously. They also describe their thoughts and feelings. They record the reasons for doing or liking certain things. The language used in diaries is usually informal and the writer will often emphasize certain events and feelings that mean a lot to them. A calendar diary has printed dates, months, days and sometimes years. This helps the writer not have to write them over again but only write when there are details; they are mostly used for work. In it, people record appointments, reminders, meetings, and plans for each day in the future.
    A diary is a book with pages for each day of the year in which you can write down what you do each day and what you plan on doing in the future. A dairy can also be used to write our private thoughts and feelings, views or opinions.